Rosie Show

Rosie Recap- Tribute to Penny Marshall on “The Rosie Show”

Before I begin, I have to start the year off by saying that OWN and Rosie are SO getting this right! All of the negative stuff that is trying to fill our ears is clearly being put out by people who believe in quantity, not quality. What Rosie is doing is nothing but quality…and no one who argues otherwise gets it.

So…now on to the show. Ro took to the stage looking fantastic! She looked rested, happy and ready to celebrate. It all made sense once I realized the entire show was in honor of one of my favorite under-rated people…Penny Marshall. I admit, I am a bit biased. I grew up watching “Happy Days” and “Laverne & Shirley” and couldn’t be prouder admitting it. I even wanted my own monogram sweater but with a name that starts with, I could hear the jokes a mile away. “You got P on your sweater” or “P. Does it stand for pregnant?” Still in elementary school, I wasn’t brave enough to fight the sarcasm. So you see what I mean….I love and have been inspired by Penny from early on and never stopped!

As they chatted about A League of Their Own (great movie if you haven’t seen it) and about Rosie’s brief hetero moments, I couldn’t help but stop to take it all in. Rarely do we really stop to appreciate what people do in our lives. Penny has brought us laughs and tears with so much of her work and I am so glad that Rosie was acknowledging her. Check out what how she cast Rosie and Madonna for their roles.

During the show, different celebrities such as Henry Winkler (the Fonz), Cindy Williams (Shirley), Michael McKean (Lenny) and David Lander (Squiggy), Tom Hanks, Mark Wahlberg (yumm), Drew Barrymore, and Jim Belushi. All sending their love and admiration.
Originally cast as one of the two “girls that are fast and put out” for Happy Days, she has come a long way. Now she is one of the greatest directors who anyone would be honored to work with. Penny shared the story of how she got her start all up to her success today. She even shared the story of how Tom Hanks almost wasn’t in Big. Listen in.

Then I heard something I never knew….Penny gives her keys out to actors and actresses. There is a constant flow of artists in and out of her homes. Being that Joe Pesci stayed for three years, Penny finally decided it was time to start charging rent. She amazes me. Go down to earth and giving. She even answered a few questions from the audience. Check it out!

Following the break, a clip was shown from Penny’s brother, Garry Marshall, a legend to his own. He told a story of how Penny was born with the first name Carol yet he and his sister, Ronny, renamed her. He and his sister had been saving for a pony….every penny. Actually they thought their mother was getting a pony when she came home from the hospital with their sister. Hence Penny. So much better than my story. My mom listened to my sister and named me after her burping doll. So uncool!

Rosie ended the show by bringing in her grandchildren. They came in with flowers and a gift. Take a look!


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