Everyday Inspiration

OWN Ambassador Malika Garrett Making a Difference Through Art and Passion

It’s easy to see the extraordinary when there is so much love and light around a person. Last week, our friend and fellow OWN Ambassador’s amazing painting created for the charity, Akshaya Patra, captured the hearts of many and a $50,000 donation from more than one bidder.  And in a roundabout way…all on a journey… Read More OWN Ambassador Malika Garrett Making a Difference Through Art and Passion

Everyday Inspiration

The Empty Boxes of Joy

Christmas has always been an amazing time in my world. From the music, to the laugher, to driving the neighborhoods and looking for the best lights…what the holidays often remind me to do is to look around and see the gifts that are already in my life each day…not necessarily the ones that may or may… Read More The Empty Boxes of Joy