Ask Oprah's All Stars

Ask Oprah’s ALL Stars – 20 Questions for 20 Somethings

At twenty-something, I don’t think I could have ever imagined what life would look like…and if I did, I would have been wrong. Now, in my forties, I am learning that instead of worrying about how to “paint my picture” to enjoy life in the moment. But…even the All Stars can derail me for the night! For this week, Oprah’s All Stars are taking on the top twenty questions from 20 year olds…everything you want to know and not know. Get ready for some all star tell-it-like-it-is talk.

1.  Dr. Oz, how long does it take to sober up before I can drive?

2.  Dr. Phil, how do I prevent myself from being slipped a date-rape  drug?

3.  Dr. Oz, are there any dangerous germs in communal bathrooms?

4.  Dr. Phil, how do I teach my daughter to value money?

5.  Suze, Do I need a financial backup plan?

6.  Suze, how do I hold onto the money that I’m earning?

7.  Dr. Phil, How do I learn to say, “No”?

8.  Dr. Oz, is there a gay gene?

10.  Dr. Oz, is there a safe way to tan?

11.  Suze, are “cash for gold” stores legitimate?

12.  Dr. Phil, what is the best way to break-up with my boyfriend?

13.  Dr. Oz, what is the safest way to have multiple sex partners?

14.  All Stars, I’m going to college in the fall. Can you each give me one quick tip  on how to survive Freshman year based on your experience?

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