Getting caught up and visiting my ALL STARS today! If you haven’t seen it, Ask Oprah’s All Stars is FULL of great information for just about ANY situation and now, is making our lives a little easier and offering some details and a bit of transcripts and videos from each episode. Fantastic! It makes it a little easier to get you the information you need by just pointing you in the right direction…and let’s all of us spend a little time with some of our favorite experts!
- Finding Mr. Right with Jennifer’s List – Jennifer has a list of 100 requirements in a man that she’s looking for…and she’s seriously passionate about it. Her question is to Dr. Phil: Dr. Phil, is it unrealistic to have a man wish list with 100 traits?
- Birth Control at 12? – Dr. Phil lays it down for these two parents who are at odds with what to do with their 12 year old who is acting out…and acting older. Dr. Phi and Dr. Oz weigh in on Dr. Phil, should a 12 year old be on birth control? Dr. Oz, What are the medical ramifications?
- Financial Infidelity – Tracy and Roger are looking for help! Well, Tracy is looking for help because she can’t trust her husband with any finances. It’s some tough answers for this couple to hear. Suze says that the only way you can make sure that his finances don’t impact you is divorce and Dr. Phil says, “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” Here is their question to the ALL STARS: Suze, how can I help my husband get his finances in order without jeopardizing my own?
- Dr. Oz answers what all of us secretly want to know – men and women: Dr. Oz, does the g-spot really exist, and if it does how do you find it?
- Suze answers a Facebook question from Chelsea on how this age old situation works – I’m moving in with my boyfriend and I make a lot more money than he does. Suze, how do we split the bills? Just remember: equal percentages!
- To tummy tuck or not to tummy tuck? Frances and Ernest ask the question to all our experts – About ten years ago I had a tubal reversal done so that my husband and I can have children together and at that time he made me a promise that I can get a tummy tuck done when we were finished having kids. Dr. Phil, should my husband have to honor his promise to me? Suze, is there a way we could afford to pay for a tummy tuck?
- Roxanne asks a very specific question…because she’s noticing some changes and just wants to know but it’s after the answer that you need the kleenex. Reunited with the organ donors family is an amazing opportunity. Dr. Oz, Is it possible to take on the traits of my organ donor?
- Khemare is asking Dr. Oz I’m very uncomfortable with the thought of the traditional way of a rectal digital exam. So my question to you Dr. Oz, is there any other way that the prostate can be checked? – while he’s worried about the exam, Dr. Oz is putting him at ease…and he’s doing his doctor thing and giving him one on the show.
- The final word from Dr. Phil, Suze Orman and Dr. Oz.