Love looks like many things and last night “Belief” on OWN offered us lessons out of the box that came straight from the heart. Each night, I feel myself wrapping up the day and settling in, like to a good book, but instead to a television show. I try to come “tabula rasa” to the night…no judgment and so far, not anticipating how I will feel…I don’t anticipate that I will laugh or cry but I know that anything is on the table with this new series. Last night was no different. Last night gave us love that looked like many things….
Through the eyes of brave storytellers we saw a romantic love that was greater than romantic love, we saw a great search for more in life and the love of symbolic tradition to move through it. We were taken through sacred traditional love and finding the other half of your soul to be whole. And we were shown love grown out of the greatest forgiveness and respect to help move and shape the world with the power of peace and friendship. All stories looking different than the Valentine shaped heart that we wrap around what we think love should look like. All of these real people come with heightened love as they give everything of themselves to a relationship, as they search the world for their connection, as they follow their traditions to know their soulmate and as they give themselves the permission to move into peace where once there was conflict. A love that looks different…but that is nonetheless, great love.
It dawned on me, peering into these lives and the journey that they each were on, that for the last three years, these labels were not assigned to these stories. As a film maker, they didn’t put sticky notes on a project board that added labels to each insight…they simply filmed the footage, followed the story and then, on the editing table, found a way to piece the puzzle together in a way that would make sense to our hearts and our spirits as we watched.
Belief is offering a path of its own and speaking to each of us in whatever words we need to hear…Love stories, Seekers…tonight we move towards change…and with each night, I move carefully…tonight, maybe even cautiously into the lessons. Tonight, there are lessons of reconnecting and healing after unimaginable personal loss. Hearing about the story brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes…
Tonight, I continue the journey through this series…and the journey of connecting the dots in a world where we are all one…
We’ll be tweeting #Belief on OWN at 8pm ET/PT. Join us…but if you can’t, find a moment to see love in your world in a different way…and give yourself an amazing insight outside the Valentine’s day heart box…