It is when the world goes the darkest that we need to step out of the shadows and hold up the light so that our own prayers, love and energy might help bring healing to those who need it most and to the world.
With the tragic elementary school shooting in Newton, Connecticut today brought a blanket of darkness that made most of us stop in sadness and disbelief. As we try to move forward and heal this sadness, it’s important to remember that while darkness sometimes shows up and brings us to our knees, this is when it’s time to light up our hearts and spirit and help others to their feet again and stand together with our light…for ourselves, for others and for the world. No matter how dark, light will always endure.
It is so sad when innocent Americans are killed but worse when the killers are American.
And for the rest of the world as well. We are one no matter where we come from and that’s why tragedies such as these touch us so deeply.